Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Inspirational Read: "From Dyslexia to CEO: How my learning disabilities taught me to be a successful entrepreneur"

Found the following aritcle written by Brett Kopf via Zite : 

"From Dyslexia to CEO: How my learning disabilities taught me to be a successful entrepreneur"

In my York ICT class, we explore many technology tools that help enhance both the learning of students and teachers in our 21st century classrooms. One of the tools we looked at was, Remind101, a one way messaging service that sends text messages to students/parents to do exactly what the product name suggests, "remind"! It is a great tool to remind students of upcoming events, tests dates and other simple reminders. The one-way messaging means that a generic/anoymous number sends the text message, once the teacher registers an account. The student/parent cannot reply back to the message as it is a computer generated number.

The other day, I was browsing through articles on Zite and "how my learning disabilities taught me to be a successful entrepreneur" part of the headline totally caught my attention. When I opened the link to the article I realized that the CEO was the creator and founder of Remind101! This aritcle shows how one's disabilities or struggles does not prevent one from acheiveing success. Brett Kopf was able to create a product to help others who have similar struggles as him (forgetting things! - sometimes not by choice). Check the article out - it is truly an inspirational read! 

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