Saturday, November 2, 2013

Inspirational Find : The First 20 Hours- Josh Kaufman

In my newest inspirational TED talk find, Josh Kaufman argues that it does not take 10,000 hours to learn something new and he demonstrates with his goal to master the ukulele! This talk is worth 20 minutes of your time, as Kaufman's musical performance itself is worth the watch, but his performance is evidence to his argument. In my current York ICT AQ class, I'm constantly learning new ways to integrate technology as a tool for 21st century learning. New learning sometimes is frustrating, but it is no reason to give up!! Kaufman finds "fear" as the most common factor of why people are reluctant to learn something new.

As an advocate for life-long learning, we should embrace the challenges and frustration that comes with acquiring new knowledge. Kaufman provides a great message to teachers, with a new learning process comes "fear" and "frustration". Let's provide strategies and tools for students to understand "it's ok" to have these emotions and encourage life-long learning.

*Came across this inspirational find through an article posted on TNW via Zite.


  1. I loved this video it is so useful. I would love to show it in class.
