Monday, June 22, 2015

MApp Fair - Math App Proposals

At the beginning of this school year, my colleague who teaches Grade 1 and I wanted our students to collaborate together. We thought a great way to build cross divisional relationships was through a Learning Buddies program. The teaching outcomes were such a great success!

We worked on media projects throughout the school year. We created e-books in Term 1 and made posters to try to advertise our e-books for readers to buy! In Term 2, we came
across an inspirational article about students who created a Math App to help their friend with Autism. My colleague and I thought it was such an innovative and fun task, we decided to design our task around this inspirational story.

Our learning goal for the task was for Grade 1s and Grade 4s to collaborate and design a Math App Proposal that would target the Grade 1 audience to build a growth mindset in Math. We thought it would be neat for students to design an App for an audience both grade students would be familiar with and we could get authentic feedback from.

Flash forward a couple of months of hard work and scaffolded learning... students designed Math App Proposals that were presented in a form of a showcase. Not only did Grade 1 students provide feedback, but we had cross panel guests from our board come to visit and give feedback as well. Students were motivated, engaged and were thinking critically throughout this entire project! I am so proud of all my students and their passion into this project!

This project showed me how designing an authentic critical thinking tasks lends itself easily for students to be engaged, motivated and being creative, innovative thinkers!

We hope to continue to explore App creation and are so excited to see what is store for us next in this journey!

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