This TED talk by Ken Jennings (the infamous Jeopardy gameshow champion) was a find that caught me by surprise....
1) Who knew Ken Jennings was such a charismatic and good public speaker?
2) His experience and insights from being a gameshow contestant speaks to 21st century learning and my passion of life-long learning
Through a bit of humour in retelling his experience of being a champion on Jeopardy and then losing to IBM's "Watson" robot contestant, Jennings makes a compelling argument that human knowledge can not become obsolete to the world of technology and computers because we will lose the human shared connection that we foster in relationships. We cannot foster human relations by "googling" facts about each other or knowledge to have a conversation/exchange with someone. Knowledge can be found with a google search and online everywhere, but Jennings makes the argument that as teachers we should strive to do; foster curiosity in students to discover the knowledge themselves. We need to create the motivation in students to want to learn and continuously learn! Take some time to watch this talk, his experience of being defeated by a robot is a really interesting perspective and makes great points for student motivation in the classroom.
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