Thursday, January 7, 2016

Reflections on Blogging Lunch and Learn Sessions

I have been hosting Blog Lunch and Learn sessions for colleagues at my new school this year and it has been a great success! Helping teachers set up a blog and sharing how a blog could be a useful platform and tool in the classroom has been an enriching experience for myself.

From these sessions, my gracious colleagues’ learning about blogs and blogging has allowed me to have the following reflections: 
  • Life long learning truly is lifelong and ageless 
  • Working with adults and seeing their excitement and spark at new ideas and concepts is very rewarding and just as rewarding as when I am teaching/helping students 
  • Those that call themselves not “tech savvy” are able to setup a live blog and navigate through the settings (Growth Mindset!)
  • Sharing knowledge and information allows for deeper thinking and strengthens my own practice
  • Though I have been using the Blogger platform for a while, technology is always changing and within the session I get to learn a few new tidbits as well! 
  • Being OK with discovering new things as the session is running - the idea of being a co-learner as well as a facilitator