Monday, February 23, 2015

Dear Ms. Chung - Reflection of Term 1 Activity

Since we just wrapped up Term 1, I asked my students recently to reflect on how they felt Grade 4 is going, their strengths, next steps and any questions they may have for me or anything they felt they wanted me to know about them. The result of this activity was eye-opening! 

Here are some sentence prompts... 

1) How do you feel Grade 4 is going so far? How do you feel Term 1 went? 
2) What are your strengths? What are your next steps?
3) How are you doing socially and behaviour in the classroom? 
4) Questions you have for Ms. Chung / Anything you want me to know 

The letters were honest, raw and sincere. I learned so much about my students and have a great touch point to conference with students. I responded to each student, tailored to their goals and their questions. They were able to set effective goals for themselves and I able to communicate to me their feelings that I may not have otherwise in a large group setting. 

Many students wanted to know how they could improve in their studies, 

This was an effective reflection activity that has provided me great insight into my teaching practice and the wellness of my students.