Monday, September 15, 2014

Digital Citizenship

Image from :

We started our health unit on looking at technology, how to have a positive digital footprint and being safe when using technological forms of communication. To my surprise, students had difficult time coming up with ways we can safely use technology or what type of precautions we need to take when online. This turned into a great teaching point about how technology is everywhere in our lives, but not very often do we talk about what precautions we need.... I think my students saw the importance of the topic at hand just by seeing how stumped they were in generating precautions/factors we need to think about when online! 

Digital citizenship is so important in the lives our children, especially since I think we sometimes take technology for granted or assume children are tech-savvy at a young age - we cannot forget to educate the impact and importance having a positive digital footprint has in their lives. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Happy Wednesday!

Saw the video of Adam Levine and Jimmy Fallon singing kids songs - made me smile! Check it out and I hope it helps put a smile on - Day 2 being done! Completion of 1st week almost there... :) Happy Wednesday!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Exit Tickets as Assessment

This year, I created a "parking lot" poster in my classroom in hopes that it will be used for quick assessment "for" and "as" learning. Students will need to answer a quick question or quick 3,2,1 (i.e3 things I learned, 2 wonderings, 1 question - many variations are possible!) on a sticky note and park it on the poster before leaving class. I hope to do this everyday, but not, definitely an end of the week as a culminating self-reflection piece on our learning. I think this will serve as a good indicator of where my learners are and serve as a touch point of how to plan for my next lessons.

What are some of your favourite self-assessment tools?

New Year... New Beginnings!

Welcome to a "revamped" Chung's Learning Space!! I am very excited to start the new school year with an updated blog look and a new promise to post/blog more in this upcoming school year (i.e busy is no excuse)!! I will be working with a wonderful group of Grade 4 learners this year. I am looking forward to learning and working with them and cannot wait to share what we are learning... stay tuned for updates :)!